AI Best Practices – Online Course

Image of Axel Rittershaus with background image of an AI sysstem and people interacting

Online Course: AI Best Practices

Generative AI might be the most powerful tool of our era, but if you don’t know AI’s best practices and how to use them, you might end up frustrated – because even the most powerful tool needs to be used correctly.

  • Do you know how important AI Champions are for your organization?

  • Does your ChatGPT write like you?

  • Do you use Generative AI to bridge cross-cultural borders in your emails?

This course makes you an expert in using Generative AI in your workplace…

  • As a team member, using Generative AI for your daily tasks (and more).

  • As a people manager, using Generative AI as a management tool and taking your people on a journey to a AI First mindset.

  • As a project manager, using Generative AI to be more productive and motivate your team.

  • Or in any other role!